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What is The Funfair?

Curated by Kevin Johnson

The Funfair is an adaptation of

Ödön von Horváth’s 1932 play, 

Kasimir und Karoline. 


This adaptation is written by Simon Stephens and you are seeing its united states premiere at cal rep.


From the Director - Will Detlefsen

Ödön Von Horváth is a great Austro-Hungarian playwright who wrote in German. Kasimir and Karoline is one of his best-known plays. It’s an early absurd, the atmosphere of Octoberfest in Münich predicting the War and Nazi times. It is a play about heartbreak, desire, and longing for something greater. It is a play about power: the power of the white straight male monolith, the power of sex, and the power of money. 



Misogyny is rampant in Kasimir and Karoline as well as the Simon Stephens adaptation of The Funfair. Misogyny is rampant in everyday life: I see it on the subway in New York, I see it in popular contemporary films such as A Star is Born, I see it amongst my liberal "woke" friends, and I see it in our government. To direct this play in 2018, as a man, my task is two-fold: 1) listen to what the women in the room have to say about the misogyny in the play, and 2) be aware and pro-active of its contemporary resonance.  


Our Funfair is set in America today because this play feels like it was written for our troubled contemporary society. Our approach as a company is to tackle the misogyny head on and ask our audiences to think about how systemic and repetitive violence towards women (real and fictional) affects our relationships and our world. 

What is the Funfair?

Many of Horváth’s writings center around the dangers of fascism and the complacency of society that allows such dangers to grow through indifference and inaction. He never lived to see the fulfillment of his predictions: his life was cut short when a tree branch fell on him during a thunderstorm in Paris in 1938. Though only 36 at the time of his death, he had produced 21 plays and four prose works garnering a significant amount of respect and attention from his colleagues and the public. 


Ödön von Horváth’s works today serve as a reminder that the greatest tool fascist ideologies have at their disposal is the complacency of society. As we today witness the growth of extreme right-wing movements throughout the American and Europe, Harváth's writing are again becoming relevant.

The unfair


Graf Zeppelin over mountains 2.jpg

"it's a work of beauty".

"We've come so far. the human race"

"you might be. i won't".

"The Zeppelin is obviously a symbol. At some point you will understand everything"-

Horváth’s skit The Beauty of Schillingstrasse

In The Funfair the Zeppelin is gazed upon by the funfair goers, who imagine what it would be like if they were rich enough to afford a trip. Others reject the notion outright and claim "That's for the businessmen of this world...Not for the likes of us." The lowest amongst them "the freaks" are not even allowed to look at the Zepplin.

?What is the Zepplin in your life?



?What is your dream that if you were rich enough, you could achieve?

Capital is king

In The Funfair peoples ability to have fun, go on rides, and be happy is determined by how much money they make. The economics of both the play and our lives are determined by a system called capitalism.


?What is capitalism?

?How does it shape the choices we make?

?How does it affect how we treat people?

"Under capitalism, sex might as well be with dead objects, not live collaborators"




your heart and mind


"If the larger structure of success is predicated on profit then does this bubble up from the ground and impact our psyches?" 

-American psychological association


"A capitalist society needs to produce an educated citizenry. It needs to be buttressed by people who possess and who teach others virtues such as sympathy, altruism, compassion, self-discipline, perseverance, and honesty. "

-American Enterprise Institute

"in the future we'll all be flying."

The Unfair Funfair


"The unemployed may be unfairly stigmatized as a result of unavoidable personality change, potentially creating a downward cycle of difficulty..."

-medical press

for the classroom

a note about the production

lesson plan

Additional resources

The Funfair might highlight uncomfortable situations for some people in our community. The following is a list of resources for anyone needing extra support, especially with issues of violence and/or abuse.

The director makes meta-theatrical choices about staging that emphasize the fact that we are in a play. By making us aware that we are in the theatre, he asks us to question what the characters are saying and how they behave. Sometimes we forget that we can question the story we’re told.


Look for the moments when the actors make choices that take you out of the story and encourage you to think less about what people are saying and more about how they feel or how they treat each other.

For The Classroom
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