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This show contains content that may be disturbing to some audiences, including mentions of sexual violence. Please exercise good judgement and self care, and know that there are resources available to you:


CAPS (CSULB's Counseling and Psychological Services): 562-985-4001

YWCA-GLA Sexual Assault Crisis Services: 877-943-5778


Freshman year at college is hard when your roommate is weird, you’re feeling homesick, and a hook-handed serial killer is slashing girls’ throats. But if Lexi can discover what really happened to her high school best friend on that car ride to the movies, everything will be okay. In this existential slasher comedy, Lexi and her friends learn what it means to grow up – and it’s not pretty.


Source: Samuel French Publishing

Breaking News: Serial Killer on the Loose


The Hookman Legend is an amalgamation of two popular urban legends which have been around since the 1950s. One is called the Hookman legend, and has a basis in a series of unsolved murders in Texarkana. The other, the Backseat Killer, started off as a legend  and inspired a real crime.


Please enjoy a retelling of each legend below:


The Hookman Legend

This is a true story that happened to a buddy of mine when he went on a date at the Chino state park near the Chino State prison.


My friend had this date with this really cool girl, and all he could think about all night was taking her out and parking and having a really good time, so he takes her out in the country, stops the car, turns the lights off, puts the radio on, nice music; he’s really getting her in the mood, and all of a sudden there’s this news flash comes on over the radio and says that a sex maniac has just escaped from the state insane asylum and the one distinguishing feature of this man is that he has a hook arm.


This girl is really, really upset, ’cause she’s just sure this guy is going to come and try and get in their car, so the guy locks all the doors and says it’ll all be okay. But she says he could take his arm and break through the window and everything and she just cries and cries and goes the guy finally agrees to take her home, but he’s really mad so he revs up the car and he goes torquing out of there and they get to her house, and he’s really, really mad and he’s not even going to get out of the car and open the door for her, and she just gets out on her own side of the car and as she gets out she turns around and looks and there’s a hook hanging on the door. 


The Backseat Killer

Did you hear that story that happened to that lady when she was coming home driving late at night down Mulholland Drive out in Hollywood?


Ok, she is coming back from a party from West Hollywood and she is tired. She is driving down that windy dimly stretch of a road, when this car behind her flashes its high beams over and over again. This freaks her out and she starts driving faster towards her home. The car behind her keeps up with her and getting closer and closer while flashing its high-beams faster and faster. Between the empty streets, the dangerous road, and having to contend with this guy blinding her while riding her tail, she is panicking.


After what feels like a lifetime, she gets home, turns off her car, jumps out, and starts running. The car stops at her driveway and yells at her to get inside because there is a killer in her backseat. She looks at her car and sees a man holding a knife run off from the back of the car into the woods of Hollywood. Apparently, the driver was using his high beams to scare off the killer and save the woman.


These stories are extremely popular (you may have read them in Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark) and have very similar themes: a woman senses danger, but is never aware of how close she is to death, cars used to enjoy a sense of freedom which leads to danger, the risks of sex and male villains, both real and perceived.


What do you think the purpose of these urban legends are and why? Do you know any other urban legends that have a similar message? Why do you feel are the potential victims usually women? What can we learn about consent?


For more information on these urban legends and their sources of inspiration, check out the following links. Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark, is available in the library in PZ 7.SCHW on the second floor.


The Urban Legends                                       

The Hook

The Killer in the Backseat





LEXI - 18, female. Freshman at UConn. An only child.

JESS - 18, female. Freshman at UC Davis. Possibly Lexi’s best friend. Maternal.

YOONJI - 18, female. Freshman at UConn. Lexi’s roommate. Korean American. Passive aggressive, maybe an alcoholic.

CHLOE - 18, female. Freshman at UConn. Carries a large thermos of coffee. Thrilled to be alive.

KAYLEIGH - 15, female. Sophomore at West Porter High. On a quiet power trip. Better than Lexi.

HOOKMAN - old enough to be sketchy, male. Has a hook for a hand. Constantly looks hung over.

*The actor playing Hookman also plays: 
SEAN - 20, male. Junior at DePaul University. Plays intramural baseball. May be a rapist.

ADAM - 21, male. Senior at UConn. Lexi’s residential advisor. The local pot dealer.



"Lexi" sketch - Costume Designer, Vee Delgado 
"Jess" sketch - Costume Designer, Vee Delgado 


Director Lisa Dring explores the themes, the production and the playwright of Hookman.

Stage Manager Nico Parducho is the hidden hand that makes sure the production runs smoothly throughout rehearsals, before the show and during the show. An unsung hero.

What's your Favorite Scary Movie?

Trying to get in the mood for Hookman?

Try these 90's slasher flicks.



I Know What You Did Last Summer? (1997)

Urban Legend (1998)

I married an Axe Murderer (1993)

Heathers (1988)

Scary Movie (2000)


Discussion Questions

Before the show

What does it mean to be a good listener? Who are some people in your life who you consider to be empathetic? What is it about them that you appreciate?


What are the things you want in your social life? Who are the kinds of people who are popular? What topics to you are worth not being cool about?


Have you ever noticed someone projecting their beliefs onto you? How did that make you feel? Also, have you ever projected your own beliefs onto someone else? What happened?


After the show

How did the relationship between Lexi and Jess feel? How were they friends? How were they not friends? 


Lexi and Yoonji miscommunicated a lot. How was Lexi partly responsible for this? How was Yoonji? What could they have done to develop a better relationship as roommates?


Why do you feel the playwright casts the same actor as Hookman, Sean, and Adam? How are these three roles similar? What are the patterns you notice each character going through? How do they affect Lexi?



Additional Resources

According to the Rape, Abuse, Incest National Network (RAINN), 11.2% of all students across 27 universities in 2015 stated experiencing rape or sexual assault.


Please know that the following resources available:

Cal State Long Beach

Greater Los Angeles Area


Waymakers OC: (714) 957-2737

RAINN: (800) 656-HOPE (4673)

University Police: (562) 985-4101 (Non Emergency) 911 (Emergency)

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